Project Management

Link your teams and project details together, enabling quicker, more informed decision-making with construction project management software.

Manage projects and Contracts.

Streamline the organization and oversight of projects from initiation to finish with unified control. Accommodate various contract formats such as fixed price, cost-plus, and unit price, establish job codes, budget plans, and manage both client contracts effectively.

Streamline the estimating process.

Generate estimates from the ground up, using spreadsheets, or based on past estimates. Quickly fill in estimate figures by importing data from spreadsheets, attach relevant documents, images, or blueprints for added detail, and smoothly transition completed estimate information into projects that have been approved.

Assign Tasks and manage approvals

Efficiently distribute tasks among team members and oversee the approval process for various project stages. This functionality enables managers to delegate responsibilities clearly and track progress in real-time.

Why SolutionDNA

Enjoy a software experience that adapts to your needs, offering the flexibility to grow and evolve as you do.

Budget control

Gain control over materials issued for projects by monitoring both quantity and cost, ensuring you remain on track at all times.

Inventory Management

Efficiently manage inventory with real-time visibility, accurate forecasting, and improved order fulfillment.

Supply Chain Management

Streamlined procurement, supplier collaboration, and logistics management.

Equipment and Asset Management

Ensure equipment reliability and performance with proactive maintenance. Schedule preventive tasks, track downtime, and manage spare parts to minimize failures.

Integrated Financial Management

Integrate financial management into the system for comprehensive visibility and alignment with manufacturing operations. Manage accounting, track costs, and analyze.

Customer Relation Management

Gain a comprehensive 360-degree perspective on leads, customers, prospects, competitors, and your salesforce, along with actionable insights.

to your needs

Acknowledging the individuality of each enterprise, SolutionERP provides the strength and flexibility to embrace and adjust to your precise processes as they evolve over time.

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